in El hierro


Day 1: Ermita de Los Reyes and “El Sabinar”

Guided walk

For this first hike, you will discover one of the legendary areas of El Hierro. You start at the Hermitage of “La Virgen de Los Reyes”, this church houses the protectress of the island. Every 4 years, a large procession is organized to transfer her to the main island church in Valverde. From there you will take the direction the majestic junipers, the plant symbol of the island. Then you go to the viewpoint of “Los Bascos”, where the view of El Golfo is breathtaking. Your guide will give you the keys to better understand the particularly interesting geology and botany during this 1st trekking day. He/she will tell you the history and the legends linked to this place.

N2 : 11km, Walking time : 5h -Gradient : +470m, -470m

Night : Valverde

Day 2: Valverde – Tigaday

One of the most beautiful and interesting hikes on the island.
After leaving Valverde, the island’s capital, you cross the protected landscape of Ventejís with its shallow relief. After a few hours of walking you reach the Garoé tree visitor center. The original tree (a storm tore it up) was one of the the main source of water for the ancient inhabitants of the island, the “bimbachés”. Great navigators from the 15th to the 17th century, such as Magellan who stopped at El Hierro, did not fail to describe this legendary tree in their logbooks.
Then, little by little the forest gives way to agricultural landscapes. The fields delimited by stone walls, the mist often present in this area, the sheep, the cows … give the feeling of having been suddenly transported to Ireland.
The last part of the hike is done by one of the most famous traditional paths of the island “El camino de Jinama”. This path was taken during the transhumance. It is part of the cultural and architectural heritage of the island. The views of El Golfo that can be seen all along the path are magical.

N2 : 10 km, Walking time : 3 h30 / Gradient : +240m, -1 000m

N3 : 18 km, Walking time : 6h / Gradient : + 660m, -1 250m

Night : Frontera

Day 3: Frontera – Punta Grande

To choose: hiking in El Golfo or diving in La Restinga


Day dedicated to the discovery of several sites of interest in El Golfo.
El Golfo, a gigantic plateau located almost at sea level, is a unique geological formation resulting from the colossal collapse of part of the island. You will enjoy beautiful views of the plateau, the north coast and the agricultural fields. Pineapple cultivation predominates in this area of ​​the island, favored by the mild and humid climate of the northern slope.
Then you reach the Poblado de Guinea ecomuseum. A very interesting site with an old abandoned village which has been restored and transformed into an ethnographic museum. A recovery center for the giant lizard of El Hierro. And a volcanic tunnel.
After visiting the ecomuseum, the hike continues towards La Maceta where you can enjoy a bath in the natural pools. Then the trail begins to follow the coast through superb lava flows.

N2 : 12 km, Walking time :3 h15 / Gradiant : +420m, -520m

N3 : 18 km, Walking time : 7h / Gradient : + 620m, -620m

The La Restinga marine reserve is recognized for the quality of its seabed. It is probably one of the best dive sites in the Canaries.
If you wish, you can replace this day of hiking with a day of diving. Depending on your level, it is possible to organize a baptism or one or more guided dives (for certified people) or a snorkeling trip.

Night : Frontera or La Restinga

Día 4: Frontera – La Restinga

Spectacular north-south crossing of the island.

You will follow a traditional communication route that linked the north and the south of the island. During the ascent to the central plateau, th views are spectacular and the changes of vegetation are astonishing. On the path you’lle discover the San Salvador ermitage one of the prettiest on the island located in the middle of the forest. A place with a mysterious atmosphere that leaves no one indifferent. You’ll also cross a majestic pine wood. Then, the dense forest gives way to an eminently volcanic landscape. The destination, La Restinga, is a small village built around a port used by fishermen and diving centers. Its marine reserve created in 1996 made it famous. This village also attracted a lot of attention during the eruption of the underwater volcano of the same name in 2011. The most recent of the Canaries.

N2 : 15 km, Walking time : 4h /Gradiant : +180m, -1300m

N3 : 20 km, Walking time : 7h / Gradient : + 1 200m, -1 400m

Night : La Restinga

Day 5: Las Casas – Timirijaque

Discovery of the eastern area of ​​El Hierro.
You’ll overlook the depression of “Las Playas”, a spectacular geomorphological formation created by a gigantic gravitational landslide (same phenomenon as El Golfo). This zone is a protected natural space cataloged as a “natural monument”. These slopes are extremely steep, and cut by numerous ravines. The variety of its mineral composition translates into a wide color palette that ranges from yellow to black. The result is a very spectacular landscape. The views of “Las Playas” and “Isora” on the first part of the hike are breathtaking. Botany enthusiasts will be delighted because this area is home to superb endemisms such as Canary Spurge, El Hierro blue Echium and of course Canarian pine. Some specimens of the latter seem to outsmart gravity like tightrope walkers hanging from the cliff over a thousand meters high.
You’ll cross another natural area, the protected landscape of “Timirijaque”. Its name of origin Bimbache (pre-Hispanic population) means “rocky terrain of dark color”. Which gives a fairly realistic idea of ​​the type of panorama we are going to encounter. In the bay of Timirijiraque where the hike ends, there are a few houses, 2 restaurants and a black sand beach (beware the sea is often rough). Excellent place to regain strength before taking the taxi to your hotel.

N2 : 9km, Walking time : 4h / Gradient : +270m, -1300m

N3 : 17km, Walking time : 6h / Gradient : + 550m, -1300m

Night : Timirijaque

Day 6: Valverde – Tamaduste

2 different routes for the same destination: the superb cove of Tamaduste!
The high level hike passes through Echedo, a charming rural village dominated by the cultivation of vines, potatoes and fig trees. The path from Echedo to Tamaduste is spectacular but recommended for people who do not suffer from fear of heights.
The quicker intermediate level hike that does not take a dizzying passage is more direct.
Tamaduste is a lovely little seaside village nestles at the foot of an amphitheater of basalt cliffs. The houses are concentrated around a very large natural swimming pool. This was formed by a lava flow. The shape in which the lava cooled made it possible to create a swimming area protected from the waves. The people of Valverde like to come to bathe there.

Once you arrive in Tamaduste you can decide to stop there or to continue walking. It all depends on whether you want to take advantage of the crystal clear waters of this cove to relax before returning or to enjoy the beautiful El Hierro trail to the end. In this case, you can continue walking on the very pretty coastal path that starts at Tamaduste. This crosses a spectacular lava flow. All along this path you contemplate basalt columns, creeks, arches … It is also a privileged place for the observation of seabirds.
A taxi will pick you up and take you to the airport or port.

N2 : Walking time : 9km, 3h30 /Gradient : +130m, -700m

N3 : Walking time : 15km, 5h /Gradient : +200m, -770m



Selfguided option


Number of people….. Price per person

2 people ……………………………… €325/p

3 people ……………………………… €240/p

4 people ……………………………… €185/p

5 people ……………………………… €170/p

6 people ……………………………… €150/p


– First day with a local english speaking guide

– Luggage transfer from day 1 to day 6

– Transportation required for your tour

– Local guide phone contact during all your hiking tour

– Detailed maps and roadbook for selfguided part

Not included:

– hotels

– food

For hotels, you will be given a list with hotels where to spend a night so that you can book by yourself. If you want your hotels to be booked by a travel agency we will give you a contact.

Our advantages:

1. Itinerant hiking tour

2. Guided/selfguided:

– All time with an official guide

– First day with an official guide and self- guided the next days

3. Local person to contact in case you need during your stay

4. Flexible route: each day you can choose between a moderate (N2) or a hard (N3) level for your walk

5. Luggage transfer included for all walking days


2 possible levels for your daily route :
N2 = Moderate : between 3 and 5 hours, gradiant+ : 600m max

N3 = High between 4 and 8 hours, gradiant+ : >600m

Topo guías del trekking

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Turism register: Intermediador turistico I-0004482.1 Turismo Activo TA-6-0006344.36
